Boston. Blues dancing.
May 15th-17th 2020.
Live Music
Late Nights
Battle Strictly
What is #GetItBoston
It's not just a cheer
It's a Call to Action
It means putting effort into that thing we love
It means showing up
Not just for others
Not just for the community
But for yourself
It's not just a cheer
It's a Promise
That no matter how awesome we are right now
We're never done
To not just be good
But to be better
It's not just a cheer
It's a Celebration
To give credit where credit is due
Those who help us become better dancers
Those we have helped become better dancers
Those who strengthen our community
Those who help us become better community members
Those who help us become better people
It's not just a cheer
It's an Invitation
Because we want you to join us
Because no matter where you come from
Whether you've been dancing for 10 years
Or 10 minutes
Whether you've been gone for a while
Or just getting started
We always have a spot at the table
For you